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Installing a language catalog

Here are the steps you will need to follow to install an international version of Retraceur.

Step 1

Assets section of the release page

  1. Browse the retraceur-language topic on GitHub to find the language files you wish to use for your Retraceur site.
  2. Download the language catalog release matching your Retraceur version (pick the asset, if provided).

Step 2

Unzip the Zip package you downloaded and move its content inside the wp-content/languages directory of your website. You should get the following files tree:

  • index.php
  • Directorywp-content/
    • Directorylanguages/
    • admin-fr_FR.po
    • continents-cities-fr_FR.po
    • fr_FR-0cc31205f20441b3df1d1b46100f6b8d.json
    • fr_FR.po

Step 3

Database setup

  1. Go to your Retraceur Dashboard.
  2. Open the Settings / General Administration screen, as shown above.
  3. Find the Site Language option and select the locale code of your language catalog.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the « Save Changes » blue button.

Your website should now be translated into the language you installed. If, it’s not the case: go back to step 1 and try again 😬.